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Additional Coverage

This feature specifies when and why an office may require additional coverage. Major holidays are added to this feature automatically. Other reasons for additional coverage include closed, lunch, meeting, and emergency/disaster. Admins and Client Admins can add additional holidays or coverage reasons as needed. 

Use the steps below to add additional coverage for an office.

  1. Select Clients at the top of the page and select Clients.
  2. Click on the client for which additional coverage needs to be specified. 
  3. Scroll down to Additional Coverage on the right below Office Hours.
  4. Click on the Add Coverage button.
  5. Select the Reason for Coverage from the dropdown.
  6. Enter your name in the Requestor field.
  7. Select a Date.
  8. Check the All Day box if coverage is needed for an entire day. Otherwise, select the hours the additional coverage applies to with the Time dropdowns.
  9. Check the box for Request Extra Coverage if CareXM phone coverage is needed.
  10. You can leave additional notes about the coverage in the Description field. This is not required.
  11. Click on Save.

Once additional coverage has been added, click the pencil icon next to it to make changes to the coverage, then click Save