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Create Providers

This feature allows you to define providers to link to patients. Providers can be users in your organization or you can add providers who are not users. 

  1. Click on Clients at the top of the page and select Clients.
  2. Click on the office where you want to create Providers
  3. Enter the provider's First Name and Last Name
  4. Enter a Title to associate with the provider. This field is optional.
  5. Enter an Email and Phone Number for the provider. These fields are optional.
  6. Select the Provider Type from the dropdown.
  7. Select the provider's Organization(s)  then click the Add button. 
  8.  Click on Create.

Repeat these steps to add additional Provider Types. Once a provider has been created, click the provider in the list to edit the record or click the X to delete it. 

You can also add Patients to the provider after you create the provider. 

  1. Select the Organization the patient is in. 
  2. Enter the Patient Name. The search will begin once you start typing and you can select the patient from the list. 
  3. Select a Member Type. This is the provider's role on the patient's care team. The options that display depend on the Provider Type selected above. 
  4. Click on Add

Repeat these steps to add additional patients.