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Define App Assignments

App assignments are used to designate assignments that can be used in the CareXM Total Triage Mobile App. Identifiers specify whether an app assignment will be used for escalation purposes (and can be seen by CareXM nurses) or call routing. Additional variables, such as a position, service, or area, further direct escalations and calls to specific users.  

Use these steps to create an App Assignment. 

  1. Click on Clients at the top of the page and select Clients.
  2. Click on the office for which you want to define an App Assignment.
  3. Click on the App Asgnmts tab. 
  4. Click on the Create New button.
  5. Enter an Assignment Name
  6. Enter the Sort Order. This indicates the assignment's priority. 
  7. Check Escalation, if the Care XM team can reach out to the person logged into the assignment.
  8. Additional identifiers you can select will appear. These options are not required.
    • Select one or more Position to determine if the assignment will display based on the caller's needs (e,g, Social Worker).
    • Select one or more Service to determine if the assignment displays based on the patient's service (e.g., Hospice).
    • Select one or more Area to determine if the assignment displays based on the patient's area (e.g., North).
    • Enter Notes about this app assignment escalation.
  9. Select Call Routing, if the person logged into this assignment takes routed calls. 
  10. Additional identifiers you can select will appear. These options are not required.
    • Select one or more Position to determine who a call goes to based on routing logic (e.g., Social Worker).
    • Select one or more Service to determine who a call goes to based on routing logic (e.g., Hospice).
    • Select one or more Area to determine who a call goes to based on routing logic (e.g., North).
    • Enter Notes about this app assignment escalation.
  11. Click Create Assignment.


Edit an existing assignment by clicking on it. Remove an assignment by clicking on the X.