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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I send a Participant a link of a Survey?

A: Go to to > Communication Center > Survey On the Go > Then, Choose survey you want to send > Copy and Paste as Question in Question Library (Create a Folder for Links, or paste link in folder with related content). Then Create Series using the “Link” question. This series is now ready to be sent out as a link, this works best with SMS or email Touchpoints. Will not work with IVR.

Q: How can I connect Bluetooth Devices to the app?

A: Go to BYOD App and then Settings > Choose the device type and then Make and Model. If you are still having trouble connecting your device, go to your phone settings and make sure your app is allowing new Bluetooth Connections. 

Q: How do I see my CPT Code report for billing?

A: Go to Communication Center> Care Management > Select Date Range > Export > CM CPT Report . On Care Management Page, click names of Participants to view individual time instances. 

Q: What is the difference between the Question library and series?

A: The question library stores all questions for surveys and care plans that can be used in multiple series. A series is the “questionnaire” that gets attached to a group when creating a TouchPoint. When creating a series, you choose the questions, question order, assign alerts/send to new group settings.  

Q: What is the purpose of a Group?

A: Groups have preexisting TouchPoints attached to them, so as soon as someone is added to a group, they are automatically enrolled in receiving the contents intended for that group. 

Q: How can I start a video chat?

A: The Video Chat option is located on the top right of the platform, under the TPC Admin menu. Participants or Providers can be invited via Email, Phone Number, or BYOD on this page. 

    • To initiate a Video Chat from the participant, select the Video Conference button on the participant’s chart.  
    • To schedule a Video Conference, go to a participant’s profile >> Appointments >> Schedule and add them to Video Conference Group (Make sure there is a TouchPoint attached to the Group with the task set as Video Conference) 

Q: How can I customize my dashboard?

A: Go to Company> Edit Profile> Dashboard. These settings allow you to select what fields are shown on the Dashboard. For Custom Dashboard fields, go to “Custom” Tab on the same page. 

Q: Where can I set Alerts?

A: After selecting any Series under Question tab > All Questions, click Set/Edit Alerts. On this page, you can manage questions that add Participants to a new Group and set or adjust alerts. 

Q: How do I create a working Reminder for an event or video chat?

A: Reminders can be set to notify a participant of an upcoming event via any Task method. Under TouchPoints > Create Reminder, choose the Participant or Group, and then a Reminder Series. Choose the amount of time to send Reminder before event.  

    • Example: Create a group for Video Chat Participants, then attach a Reminder to this group, now this group will be ready to send a reminder to anyone who has a Video Chat conference on their schedule. 

Q: How to make sure your Vitals Questions get reflected onto the Dashboard.

A: First, go to your Question Library, then find the questions you use for collecting vitals, click any question and make sure there is a corresponding vital in the “special type” field.

Q: How do I change CM type for an instance, from CCM to RPM?

A: In Participant Profile > Care Management > Care Management Activity, you can view all instances of time collected with a patient. Edit any instances by switching the CM type or create a manual entry.