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Message Report Breakdown

Your message report will display all messages for the account. Recall, if you are a member of multiple accounts, you'll need to change accounts to see the messages for each specific account. The messages are organized into a table. Each message is represented by a row in the table. The columns represent different message details. You can sort the messages based on the contents of any column by clicking on that columns header. Click a second time to reverse the order of the sort.


Columns Overview

The columns of your message report are outlined in the table below. You may customize these columns based on your own preferences. If you wish to remove a certain column or simply reorder the way the columns appear on your report, navigate to "My Profile" and select "Preferences" to make your edits. Keep in mind, this only affects how you view and run the report and may be customized at any time. For more information about adjusting preferences, click here and scroll to the "Preferences" section. 


Date Received The time at which the message was taken by TeleMed. The entries in this column are hyperlinks. Clicking on a link will open a window with additional details about the message.
Account The Account number in which the message was created.
Patient Name If the message is about a patient, this column contains the patient's name. Otherwise, it will be blank.
Caller The name of the person who called and sent the message.
Recipient The name of the account member to whom the message was sent. Sometimes there may be multiple recipients which will be represented as a "+" in this column.
Hospital/Facility If the message sender is from a hospital or other medical facility, that facility will be named in this column. Otherwise, it will be blank.
Phone The primary callback number for reaching the message sender.
Priority The priority of the message. This may be one of four values: Normal, Priority, Stat, or Unspecified. Most messages will be normal priority. Priority messages are usually messages from patients or family members that are more urgent or time-critical. Stat messages are usually critical messages from medical personnel who need a response ASAP. Occasionally, priority will be unspecified if the operator who took the message reaches you by telephone before assigning a priority to the message.
Source The Source column indicates where the message originated. Typically you will see "Oper" here meaning a TeleMed operator took the call. You may also see "MyTmd" here meaning it originated from the mobile app or the portal. 
Status The delivery status of the message.
Message The main text of the message..
Notes If you see a checkmark in the notes section, this means a member of the account has added comments or notes to this message. You may view those details by reviewing the message details.


To see all message details, including delivery events and user notes, click the red timestamp found under the "Date Received" field for the message. This will open up a new window displaying a "snapshot" of the message. You'll see all the message details separated into different tabs (message details, recipients, notes, events) for your review. 




Filters Overview

The messages in your report may be filtered using several different criteria. Enter the criteria then click "Find Messages." To remove all filters, click Reset, then Find Messages.



Date Received Select a range of dates. Messages between the dates will be retrieved. You may even choose custom dates.
Patient's Name Enter the name of a patient to search for messages about a specific patient.
Recipient's Name Enter the name of the recipient to search for in the "Recipient" column.
Caller's Name Enter the name of the caller to search for in the "Caller" column.
Caller's Phone Enter a phone number to search for in the "Phone" column.
Priority Select a priority of message to search for.
Message Text Enter one or more words to search for in the Message column. All messages containing any of the words will be returned.



Various links on the page will support downloading message data in electronic format or formatting it for printing.


Export to Excel Downloads the current (possibly filtered and/or sorted) list of messages to an Excel spreadsheet.
Export to Excel with Details Downloads the current (possibly filtered and/or sorted) list of messages with details to an Excel spreadsheet.
Export Patient Records Downloads the current list of messages, separated by patient name for easy addition into a patient record.
Basic View: Formats the current (possibly filtered and/or sorted) list of the messages for printing.
Expanded: Same as Basic View, except each message includes an event history and user notes.
Expanded w/ Page Breaks: Same as Expanded, except that only one message will be printed on each page. Makes it convenient to add messages to a patient record.