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My Profile Info

Change Password



My Profile Info: Use "My Profile Info" to create your own security question and answer that can be used to assist you in resetting your password should you need to. 

Click "My Profile Info" and manually type in your own question and answer. Once finished, simply click "Save Question/Answer" to add this to your profile.



Change Password: Use "Change Password" to change your current password. 

Note: If your organization utilizes SSO, you will not be able to manage your password in this manner. You will need to reach out to your internal IT support to facilitate a password change. 

Keep in mind that passwords must contain at least 8 characters, contain at least 1 digit and 1 letter, and must not contain special characters. Type in your current password and the new password and click "Change Password" to finalize your change.


Preferences: Use "Preferences" to customize the columns of information that appear when you run/review your account's Message Report. You may hide columns or adjust the order they appear in on your report from left to right.


To Hide: Select the option you'd like to hide from the "Visible Column" and click "<<< Hide" to move it to the "Hidden Columns" box. Then click "Save Changes" to apply your changes.


To Adjust the Order: Select the option you'd like to move from the "Visible Column" and click "Move Up" or "Move Down" depending on where you'd like that column to appear on your message report. Click "Save Changes" to apply your changes.