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Skills by Client Page

'Skills by Client'  provide an option to manage “non-clinical” users (those without a clinical provider type) on the ‘Skills by Client’  page.  Changes made to these users’ “skills” (or “queues”) will then sync with the user’s corresponding User Profile(s) in CallCorp to update their profile accordingly.

Step by Step:

1.  Log into CXM

2. Using the top navigation bar, hover over the "Admin" icon and choose "Skills by Client" from the dropdown list:

3. Choose your organization:

4. To add clinical staff, click on the dropdown trigger next to "trained nurses":


5. Add staff from the dropdown list:


6. Add non-clinical staff by clicking on the dropdown trigger next to "Non-clinical Agents":


7. Click the "Save" Button:


8. Close out the skills box by clicking the "x" in the upper right hand corner: