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System Security

System security is first maintained at the log-in level which requires a unique Account Name, a unique Username, and an associated unique Password. 

TouchPoint Care provides a unique Account Name and the initial Username and Password upon Account sign-up. 

  • The Provider then establishes each unique Username and Passwords for each authorized user.
  • Upon the first log-in and use of their assigned Password, each User will be requested to enter and create (update) a new Password. For instance, Provider #1 would sign in. Provider #2 would have to sign in and will be prompted to reset the password by creating a new one.

How to Create an Authorized User:

  1. Login to the TouchPoint Care portal with your Account, Username, and Password.



  1. In the Navigation bar, on the left side of the page, select “Company”, then “All Users”.


  1. Click on “Add User” on the top left.


  1. The “New Contact” screen will appear. The unique username and associated password need to be assigned to each new contact.


  1. Select “Access Level”
  2. Click on “Save & Send Login Link”


User Access Control:

  • System Security is controlled with customization with predetermined access levels.
  • On the “New Contact” Screen there is a drop-down selection box labeled “Access Level” (Step 5). Other access levels can be created/ added if needed.
  • Each choice has permission to access predefined areas of the system. The Security Overview table defines the access levels of each choice.
  • To create or edit custom Access Levels go to Company > Access Levels. Here you can view all pre-existing roles and tasks they are permitted to, as well as create Custom Access Levels. To create a new Access Level select “Add, name your role, and select the activities this role should have access to. To edit a custom Access Level select the “Edit” button to the right of the Access Level.